

Curriculum Intent

Oracy is the ability to articulate thoughts, develop understanding, and engage effectively with others through spoken language. At Lanchester, we recognise oracy as a vital tool for learning and personal growth. By nurturing our children to become confident speakers and attentive listeners, we empower them to better understand themselves, their peers, and the world around them.

We believe that an education in oracy is not just an academic skill but a fundamental right for every child, and it is the shared responsibility of all educators. Oracy is therefore deeply embedded in our educational philosophy, woven throughout our curriculum and all aspects of school life. We prioritise the development of strong speaking and listening skills as essential life skills that prepare our children for future success.

At Lanchester, we embody the principles of Ready, Respectful, and Resilient in our approach to oracy:

  • Ready: We cultivate a readiness to engage in dialogue, encouraging children to prepare their thoughts and ideas before speaking. This readiness fosters an environment where every child feels confident to contribute.

  • Respectful: We emphasise the importance of respectful communication, teaching children to listen actively and value diverse perspectives. By promoting a culture of respect, we help children understand the power of their words and the impact they have on others.

  • Resilient: We encourage resilience in our children, teaching them to persevere through challenges in communication. By embracing mistakes as learning opportunities, we instil a growth mindset that empowers children to take risks in their oracy development.

To support the growth of oracy skills across all key stages, we utilise the four strands of the Oracy Framework designed by Voice21: Physical, Linguistic, Cognitive, and Social and Emotional. Our deliberate, explicit, and systematic teaching approach ensures that every child benefits from high-quality oracy education, enabling them to express themselves clearly and effectively.

By building a culture of oracy at Lanchester, we aim to enhance our children’s confidence, improve their spoken language skills, and enrich their written outcomes across the curriculum. This comprehensive approach not only prepares them for academic success but also equips them with the communication skills necessary for later life, fostering a generation of articulate and engaged citizens.