
Year 2

Welcome to Year Two! 

Please view the documents below for further information.


Supporting your Childs end of KS1 SATs

KS1 SPAG Glossary

KS1 STATS Assesment

SPAG Revision

Reading Revision

Maths Arithmetic Revision

Home Learning Expectations

  • Homework is given out  via Google Classroom on Thursdays and is due in on Tuesdays (submitted via Google Classroom).
  • There will be a piece of Maths or English given out each week and a topic related piece to complete during holidays 
  • Home Readers: children will be given a reading book each week. They should be reading for 20 minutes every day, this should be to an adult and needs to be recorded in their Reading Record on Google Classroom.
  • Times tables : children to use Times Tables Rock Stars website to practise regularly for the weekly times table tests.  

Useful Websites

Times Table Rock Stars

Discovery Education

White Rose Maths

BBC Bitesize KS1

Dance Mat Typing

Top Marks English Games for 5 - 7 year olds

Top Marks Maths Games for 5-7 year olds

Spelling frame

ICT games

Primary Homework Help

Common Exception Words

Handwriting Poster

Lanchester Recommended Books

Mental Health & Well-being 

You can support children with their mental health in many different ways. You can give them ways to record their feelings on paper, help them to create positive plans for change, reflect on their best qualities with them or find positive ways of distracting them when they feel overwhelmed. These activities facilitate different methods of helping children develop positive coping strategies with a wide variety of resources to help with mental health.

Anxiety Or Worry 

How High is My Self-Esteem


My Bag of Worries and Sadness

My Distraction Flash Cards

My Happy Place 

Today I Am Feeling Spin Wheel 

Turning Negative Thoughts into Positive thoughts

​What Are My Best Qualities