

Curriculum Intent

At Lanchester, our geography curriculum is designed to inspire a deep curiosity and lasting fascination with the world. We are committed to delivering this through thematic, termly projects that engage children across each year group, with geography serving as a discrete subject. Our projects are tailored to spark children’s imaginations by addressing the questions they naturally ask, ensuring the curriculum aligns closely with their interests and encourages exploration. To guide our curriculum planning, we use Curriculum Maestro and align our projects with the National Curriculum, ensuring that our children receive a broad, balanced, and rigorous education.

Through our curriculum, we aim to develop children who are Ready, Respectful, and Resilient:

  • Ready: Our geography curriculum prepares children to be informed global citizens, equipping them with the foundational skills to understand complex geographical concepts and connections. By exploring their local area—Watford—and regions beyond, children become well-rounded and ready to engage with the world confidently, with knowledge that enables them to contribute positively to society.

  • Respectful: We emphasise respect for diverse cultures, people, and environments, teaching children to appreciate their local community, the wider United Kingdom, and the vast variety of global cultures. By learning about different human and physical environments, they develop a broader perspective, fostering empathy and cultural awareness. This respect extends to understanding environmental sustainability and the importance of caring for our planet.

  • Resilient: Geography encourages resilience by challenging children to think critically and solve real-world problems. Through investigating geographical issues, analysing data, and discussing complex topics, our children learn to persevere and approach challenges with confidence. We build resilience by encouraging them to see obstacles as opportunities for growth and understanding, skills they will carry with them throughout their lives.

Our geography curriculum empowers children with the skills they need to investigate and engage with the world, from the local landscapes of Lanchester to the varied regions of the United Kingdom and beyond. As they explore both human and physical geography, they develop a deeper appreciation of life in other cultures, nurturing a sense of responsibility and respect for the world around them.