

Curriculum Intent

At Lanchester Primary School, our History curriculum is designed to inspire a lifelong enthusiasm for learning about the past. We aim to spark curiosity, nurture respect for diverse cultures, and cultivate resilience as students explore the complexities of human experience over time. Aligned with our core values of Ready, Respectful, and Resilient, our history program seeks to empower children to engage deeply with the past, develop their own informed perspectives, and become thoughtful, responsible citizens.

  • Ready to Learn: Our history curriculum prepares children to be Ready by equipping them with essential skills to navigate and understand the world around them. We utilise the Curriculum Maestro framework, ensuring our lessons meet and often exceed National Curriculum expectations. By integrating historical knowledge and thinking skills across other subjects such as English, Mathematics, and Science, children are able to make meaningful connections and reinforce their learning. We prepare our students to be analytical thinkers, ready to question, investigate, and interpret the past with curiosity and an open mind.
  • Respectful of the Past and Diverse Cultures: Through our carefully structured lessons and hands-on experiences, we encourage children to be Respectful of the lives and cultures that have shaped our world. History at Lanchester is brought to life through engaging activities, costumes, props, and high-quality resources, including authentic artefacts, documents, and first-hand accounts from visitors. We aim for our children to recognise and appreciate the diversity of human experience, understanding that each story, culture, and historical moment contributes to the rich tapestry of our collective past. Themed days, re-enactments, and cultural immersion activities allow children to explore history through various lenses, examining changes in art, cuisine, fashion, education, and culture throughout time.
  • Resilient in Exploring Historical Complexity: Studying history at Lanchester fosters Resilience as students grapple with complex questions, critically evaluate sources, and seek out evidence to support their conclusions. We encourage children to develop higher-order historical thinking skills, which allow them to analyse, interpret, and synthesise information from different periods and perspectives. As they progress, children demonstrate resilience by constructing their own viewpoints, engaging in debates, and sharing their insights through extended writing and project-based learning. These experiences cultivate a sense of perseverance, encouraging students to revisit and refine their interpretations as they grow in confidence and historical understanding.

Curriculum Structure and Implementation

Our history curriculum is enriched with hands-on and immersive learning experiences that bring the subject matter to life. With a variety of real-world resources, practical activities, and access to expert visitors, we strive to ensure that every child feels connected to history in a tangible way. Learning takes place both inside and outside the classroom, with opportunities for students to visit historical sites, engage in role-play, and participate in interactive workshops. Through these methods, we help children develop an understanding of historical continuity and change, cause and effect, and the significance of events and individuals in shaping the world.