
School Day

We deliver a 32.5 hour school week, which is equivalent to 8.45am to 3.15pm from Monday to Friday.

Travelling to and from school

We actively encourage all in the school community to walk, cycle and scoot to school wherever possible. This avoids congestions in the road outside of the school and keeps all our children safer.

If you do need to drive, when parking please be respectful and considerate of our neighbours, never blocking driveways, nor parking too close to junctions.

Morning Drop Off

Drop & Drive is operational from 8.35am. The main school gate will be opened at 8.45am and children may go straight into their classrooms. The gate will be closed at 9.00am sharp. Any children coming in after this time will need to use the main entrance and will need to be signed in by a parent.

Our Breakfast Club is available from 7.45am.

Timings of the School Day

7.45am Breakfast Club opens

8.35am Drop & Drive opens

8.45am to 9.00am Arrival for core school day

9:00am Morning registration

3.10/15pm departure for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 pupils

3.15pm departure for Key Stage 2 pupils (Years 3 to 6)

4.30/5.00pm departure for extra curricular clubs

6.00pm Wrap around care closes