

Curriculum Intent

At Lanchester, we recognise the importance of science in shaping the world around us and preparing our children for the future. We believe that science not only transforms our understanding of the natural and physical world but also plays a crucial role in driving progress and prosperity. Our science curriculum is fundamentally based on the national curriculum and is designed to instil in our children a sense of curiosity, wonder, and responsibility, equipping them with the knowledge, skills, and resilience needed to become thoughtful, innovative, and capable contributors to society.

Our science curriculum is designed to be engaging, accessible, and ambitious. We focus on three core values—being Ready, Respectful, and Resilient—as foundations for learning in every science lesson. These values guide our approach to teaching science and reflect our commitment to nurturing a positive, inclusive, and challenging learning environment:

  • Ready: We prepare our children to be inquisitive and curious learners, ready to explore and understand the scientific concepts that underpin our world. Lessons are carefully structured to ensure progression in knowledge and skills, from early observations and inquiry to more complex investigations and critical thinking. Through clear learning objectives, practical activities, and hands-on experiments, we make science accessible and stimulating, so every child is ready to engage actively in their learning journey.

  • Respectful: Science at Lanchester is rooted in respect—respect for the environment, for evidence-based reasoning, and for the ideas and contributions of others. We teach our children to appreciate the impact of scientific advancements on people, communities, and ecosystems. By fostering a respectful attitude towards the scientific method and the collaborative nature of scientific discovery, we help our children understand the importance of ethical considerations in science and promote a culture of environmental stewardship.

  • Resilient: Science is a discipline that requires perseverance, critical thinking, and a willingness to embrace failure as a pathway to understanding. We encourage resilience by creating an atmosphere where children feel safe to experiment, make mistakes, and learn from them. Our curriculum is designed to develop problem-solving skills and adaptability, encouraging children to tackle challenges with confidence. Through inquiry-based learning and regular opportunities to test and refine their ideas, we help our children build the resilience needed for future scientific endeavors.

To foster an enduring passion for science, we integrate the subject into our termly projects, making connections wherever possible to other areas of the curriculum. Additionally, to ensure comprehensive coverage of the science curriculum, we incorporate specific science mini-projects that are sequenced termly or half-termly, reinforcing and building upon prior learning. In these projects, children have the opportunity to work through problems, ask questions, and apply their knowledge to explore answers independently.

The curriculum embeds ‘working scientifically’ skills throughout all stages of learning, ensuring a progressive development of scientific competencies such as observing, classifying, experimenting, and conducting fair tests. From Early Years to Key Stage 2, we provide structured opportunities for scientific inquiry, including observing over time, pattern seeking, classification, comparative and fair testing, and using secondary sources for research. By embedding these practices, we enable our children to approach science in a systematic, thoughtful, and evidence-based manner.