

Curriculum Intent

At Lanchester Primary School, our intent is to nurture ready, respectful, and resilient mathematicians who see the value of mathematics as a key to understanding the world. We aim to develop children who are not only confident and skilled in mathematics but also adaptable problem-solvers who can apply mathematical concepts to real-life contexts and thrive in an ever-evolving world.

  • Ready: Our mathematics curriculum is designed to prepare children for the challenges of today’s world by equipping them with essential skills and knowledge. Through a mastery-based approach, we provide children with a strong foundation in mathematics from the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) through to Year 6. We utilise the White Rose Maths scheme, which supports a structured progression of concepts and builds fluency, reasoning, and problem-solving skills at every stage. By focusing on concrete, pictorial, and abstract (CPA) methods, we ensure children are ready to tackle new challenges and apply their understanding in a variety of contexts.
  • Respectful: In fostering a respectful learning environment, we emphasise a positive and collaborative approach to mathematics. Our lessons are structured to encourage children to listen actively, respect others' ideas, and value the process of learning together. At Lanchester, children are encouraged to articulate their thoughts, demonstrate their reasoning, and appreciate the diverse ways in which others approach mathematical problems. We emphasise the importance of mathematical language and encourage children to communicate their ideas clearly, fostering a culture of mutual respect and intellectual curiosity.
  • Resilient: Resilience is a cornerstone of our mathematics curriculum. Our children are supported in developing a growth mindset, seeing mistakes as valuable learning opportunities. We encourage children to approach challenges with perseverance and to recognize that effort leads to achievement. Through scaffolded learning and same-day interventions, children who may struggle with a concept receive the support they need to keep pace, while those who excel are given sophisticated problems to deepen their understanding. This approach ensures that all children develop the resilience needed to overcome obstacles, build confidence, and embrace the challenges of mathematics.

Curriculum Implementation

Our mastery curriculum is structured to promote deep understanding through a systematic and thorough exploration of mathematical concepts:

  • Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract (CPA) Method: Our curriculum follows a structured CPA approach to learning, allowing children to progress from hands-on exploration to visual representation, and finally to abstract reasoning. This progression helps children build a solid understanding of mathematical concepts and enables them to confidently apply their knowledge.

  • Daily Fluency Focus: Each mathematics lesson begins with a fluency activity, providing consistent practice in number facts and other foundational skills. This daily focus on fluency ensures that children become proficient and can build upon these fundamentals as they advance through the curriculum.

  • Adaptive teaching and learning: We incorporate challenge and support in every lesson, offering advanced problem-solving activities for children who grasp concepts rapidly and targeted interventions for those who need additional practice. This tailored approach helps all children to consolidate their learning and move forward with confidence.